It’s easy to get wrapped up in the busy, fullness of Christmas but in amongst the mayhem, I invite you to take some time out in nature – solo – to help you truly unwind and reset during the festive period.
If nothing else, it’s an excuse to step away from the madness of it all and find some peace – even for 10 minutes.
Tune in to all five senses while you walk. What can you see, feel, hear, smell… taste? Explore each one in turn. If you can, find a spot to sit in silence as you sense your surroundings come alive.
What better way to gain perspective than by stargazing on a crisp, clear night? As you look up, think about the comforting vastness of space and how our planet, your specific location and you as an individual all relates to that sense of awe and wonder.
An icy dip is not just for Boxing Day (though it is fun to dive in with a group of people wearing nothing but a Father Christmas hat and swimming attire). If going for a swim doesn’t appeal, why not find a cold river and submerge your hands and wrists and throw it on your face to get a refreshing, cold hit.
Or in the ice. With leaves, or fallen branches. Any natural material that can provide inspiration for your inner artist to flourish. Let go and enjoy whatever happens with zero judgement. Have. Some. Fun.
Take in the crackle of an open fire – out in the wild (approved spot) or in your backyard – and allow your mind to settle and focus on the absorbing spectacle. As you huddle close, take a moment to appreciate the warmth it’s providing.